
Ways to Prepare for Divorce

One of the difficult but often overlooked aspects of divorce is that your life must go on while you complete the process. This can be especially problematic when many of the assets you need for your daily life are caught in the middle of the asset allocation process. The breakdown of a marriage is not always something that sets in gradually.  In many cases, both spouses see the divorce coming from a long way off. When spouses are willing to work together to disentangle their lives during the pendency of a divorce, things quite often work out better for both of them.

While divorcing partners must be careful to avoid concealing or relocating assets that are subject to equitable distribution, there are some straightforward steps spouses should take prior to or soon after beginning a divorce. Such steps can facilitate the ability to live independently during the proceeding:

  • Spouses should open separate bank accounts to deposit money earned or received after separation. This can help keep marital and individual property separate, give each spouse the money needed for living expenses and avoid misappropriation of funds.
  • Spouses should work with mortgage companies and other lien holders to ensure bills and other communications about the account reach the most appropriate party. If a dispute over who should make payments on these obligations arises, it may be necessary to seek clarification from the court.
  • Spouses should review their health insurance to make sure they still have coverage and the means of using it subsequent to separation.

If overlooked, these and other issues can cause serious inconvenience to both parties. What is worse, an unwary spouse can easily fall into a situation where the other party can use health insurance or mortgage payments as a weapon. Clear communication with all parties is important and can minimize problems throughout the divorce process. That is why it is essential to tackle these issues immediately with the help of an experienced divorce attorney.  At Flaherty Legal Group in West Hartford, Attorneys James Flaherty, Sandi Girolamo and Pamela Magnano guide clients through divorce and provide you with the legal help that you need to get the best possible settlement.